All together now
A louhei with my siaolangs.
Its been a while since I brought some of my life into this little space of mine.
Where to begin?...
I started with my new job for almost a month now (which explains my disappearance, no?) and it is better for now. Of course, with higher pay, better working hours and a more challenging working environment, it all comes to a big price tag. My office is at Boon Lay. I have to get up before 6 in the morning every weekday though I do reach home to catch the sun as it hasn't disappeared from the horizon yet.
I am honestly looking forward to try and make something out of this job. Its further but the opportunities are much richer and interesting.
Caught the Dim Sum Dollies!!! Was getting the tickets but Judy kausah hers to me. Hee. Like always, it is entertaining and very witty, plastered around the edges with very funny dialogues. Sadly though, it seemed to show its age when a part or two seems too predictable and tired. I hope they can turn it around when it comes back with another new installment.
By the way, the drinks sold at the theatre area are so expensive. $4 for a can of coke and more than a piece of red dollar note for a very thin glass of champagne. It seems pretentious though, where just because you are at the Esplanade, to drink a glass of champagne and layering your talk with an unnatural accent. It was a fact that I saw a few ladies tried doing when they stood near a group of causasians.
I'll update in a while (hopefully) of other adventures, but for now, I'll go and think about how to update on a more regular basis.
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