Meet the Spartans!

Went to the National Musuem with my Har Gao to see the Greek Masterpieces from Lourve yesterday!

Do check out the sketches and photos outside the gallery.
There are volunteers who conduct small guided tours around the exhibits but we decided not to follow them initially as we wished to have more room for ourselves. However, at an earlier part of our walk, we overheard a volunteer describing a sculpture and liking his voice, I decided to follow him around.
At the relief sculpture of Eurydice and Orpheus, he described the tragic loss of Eurydice because Orpheus decided to turn back and look at her. A kid asked very innoncently why Orpheus did not choose to move on to get another wife and it drew a few smiles from the group. The volunteer, in all good nature, patted the boy on the shoulder and said, "If only love works in such simple ways, young man. You'll understand when you grew up."
If only it does, won't it be much more simpler?