
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Awake from the darkness

So many things happened, I wonder if I can remember them all.

Grew older. Fathered a son. Lost many friends. Started a business. Failed and closed shop.

Not necessarily in that order.

Now sitting in an office listening to Gold 90.5, banging away at the keyboard and getting the mundane office chatter.


Had a nightmare the other night. Sunday night to be precise.

All my greatest fears in life appeared one after another. Flashing before my eyes while I was bounded and helpless.

I shouted for them to stop, then begged for the suffering to end.

Heard a wail on the right, and I instinctively open my eyes. My son's cries woke me up and saved me from further darkness.

Got up to pat him and noticed it was almost 4am.

I held him closer and whispered, "Everything is going to be fine. Papa will always be here for you."

Then that was when I noticed there were tears on my face.

What a nightmare.


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