Where are you~~

I have this uncanny talent for making taxis disappear. No matter where I go, no matter how hard I try, fate would destine that 99 out of 100 occasions, I would be stuck by the roadside waiting sadly for the taxi that never show up.
Can you picture me standing quietly there by myself? My lonely silhouette cutting against the empty road.
A picture of sorrow.
Also, waiting by the road for more than 20 minutes is like being rejected without getting to see your blind date. Don't even think of that goodnight kiss when you send her back to her door step. Don't. Even. Think.
It has to do with luck. And maybe some careful planning of where to get a cab (you gotta position yourself well to make it difficult for other irritating folks to pop out from nowhere to "kop" your cab). And, well, some knowledge of when to wait for one would be important I guess, to avoid peak hours and lull periods. Then again, it's also pretty helpful to...
Damn, it's more than a science now.
I do try calling the booking hotlines, you know. But again, nobody picks up. The girl gave me her number but didn't want to hear from me again.
"Oh, you tried calling? I was probably showering. Didn't call back as I was too tired and needed to hit the bed."
Well, at least not with me on it.
For now, I think waiting a bus or a train would probably be more dependable, they'd show up. But only if I can get on these overcrowded ones...