It sucks
Came across this poster at some food place the other day. The text in question is in the lower left corner. Loosely put, they love to suck.
Several things happened at work (of course, what else is new?) but I guess I am getting numb enough to let things pass by.
An interesting incident happened the other day when I was taking the MRT back home. I was sitting in the 2 seater area, happily minding my own business when a middle age lady (say, 40 odd?) sat beside me. All was well for a few minutes into the sharing of the personal space when she started to smile openly to herself and dotting it with various giggles. I was getting piqued when she asked me in Chinese if I am from China.
OK, strike 1.
I politely replied in my best rendition of a fake American accented English that I am not from China and I am a local.
She then "looked" shocked and said, "Oh, you are a local!".
The conversation died off and then she went on to giggle endlessly to herself while stealing glances around. Then I took a more careful look at her and noticed that she was wearing multi-colored beads with some funny sash and also an arabian sandal. I was contemplating to ask her to grant me 3 wishes (I hesitated because I was worried she would ask me to rub her lamp, wherever her "lamp" may be) when she started to giggle uncontrollably.
Strike 2, my dear lady.
When I thought I couldn't put up with the silly giggling, she stood up and went to sit beside a young chap, who was also minding his own business.
My line-of-sight was partly blocked but I saw her talking to him and handed him a piece of paper before leaving the cabin, TO TAKE THE TRAIN ON THE OTHER SIDE.
My mind went blank from how ridiculous the whole thing was and just stared blankly out of the train. I don't remember if I was foaming at the edge of my mouth.