
Sunday, July 15, 2007

Shut eye

Working late is not an anomaly any more after my 2 months at work. The other day I hailed a cab and let it filter into the ECP and up the endless trail of road and darkness. The Singapore Flyer loomed ahead and it sat uncomplete on the reclaimed Marina Centre, while the floodlights from the Marina Bay Floating Stadium on the left of the flyover shot weak light-paths up into the distant sky.

The humming of the diesel engine kept silence at bay as the driver frowned to focus on the motor-cyclists streaming past his blindspots.

My eyes moved heavily around the sights out of the window, catching blurred bits of life in the other cars.

"Wah, you look very tired ah?" The driver didn't look back and started to tap softly on the stirring wheel. "Why not you just close your eyes and rest? I'll wake you up when you're home."


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