I just can't get used to it
I didn't thought I will post this up, but I guess it's inevitable. Just like how Neo has to save Zion from the machines and what Superman did to prevent Doomsday from killing mankind, I have to write about the one thing I still cannot get used to after living in the hostels for almost one and a half years.
There are alot of people out there who have problems with living in a hostel, but I guess I am still ok. I mean, sharing a toilet and the showers with alot of people is pretty much common place for the guys in the army. Not that I am very comfortable being wedged between 2 naked bodies, seperated by just a thin piece of wood, nor am I utterly at ease listening to the guy next to me re-composing Beethoven's Symphony Number 5 with this, well shall we say, splashing sounds. But I guess you can get used to such stuff.
However, there is one thing that I still awkward about and that is about the washing and hanging of laundry in the hostel. It all started one day when I noticed a pair of floral patterned panties creamed in a tinge of light blue hanging out of my neighbour's laundry line. Now, I do not condone such practices of man to "experiment" but I also do not interfere so long as I don't see him wearing it. Then after sometime did I realize that he is probably washing his girlfriend's clothes, but come on, don't hang your dirty linen in public, yeah? If you wanna wash it for her, go ahead, be a nice guy and do it but after taking it out of the washer, please hang in on her clothes line.
And I got a secret to let it out, though I guess all of you had committed the same sin before. Yes, I admit it. I do look at the clothes being hung out to dry, be it guys... and.. yes.. and the girls.
Come on, I really try hard not to, but the more you try to avoid looking at it, the more it itches at the corner of your eye, and sometimes you just give in. It's kinda innocent anyway, so long as you don't pick one up and run off with venomous, perverted glee.
It's weird. Really really weird for me. And I'll never get used to seeing girls hanging their lingerie out when I'm walking by. Some do purposely hang the normal clothing items but others don't give a hoot and hang their special category of clothings in the most normal of faces.
Then came the day when I walk innocently past a girl's room and noticed, horrors of all horrors, that all she hung were lingerie!! 3 clothes line worth! My god.. all white lacy ones. Does any girl really wear all that much? Don't they itch?! Won't her neighbours feel weird too? Or did all of them wear the same ones and wash it together? And how can I avoid looking at her in a different way? How can I not picture her in it? Argh!!
I laid staring at the ceiling in bed and till now, I simply can't get used to it.
There are alot of people out there who have problems with living in a hostel, but I guess I am still ok. I mean, sharing a toilet and the showers with alot of people is pretty much common place for the guys in the army. Not that I am very comfortable being wedged between 2 naked bodies, seperated by just a thin piece of wood, nor am I utterly at ease listening to the guy next to me re-composing Beethoven's Symphony Number 5 with this, well shall we say, splashing sounds. But I guess you can get used to such stuff.
However, there is one thing that I still awkward about and that is about the washing and hanging of laundry in the hostel. It all started one day when I noticed a pair of floral patterned panties creamed in a tinge of light blue hanging out of my neighbour's laundry line. Now, I do not condone such practices of man to "experiment" but I also do not interfere so long as I don't see him wearing it. Then after sometime did I realize that he is probably washing his girlfriend's clothes, but come on, don't hang your dirty linen in public, yeah? If you wanna wash it for her, go ahead, be a nice guy and do it but after taking it out of the washer, please hang in on her clothes line.
And I got a secret to let it out, though I guess all of you had committed the same sin before. Yes, I admit it. I do look at the clothes being hung out to dry, be it guys... and.. yes.. and the girls.
Come on, I really try hard not to, but the more you try to avoid looking at it, the more it itches at the corner of your eye, and sometimes you just give in. It's kinda innocent anyway, so long as you don't pick one up and run off with venomous, perverted glee.
It's weird. Really really weird for me. And I'll never get used to seeing girls hanging their lingerie out when I'm walking by. Some do purposely hang the normal clothing items but others don't give a hoot and hang their special category of clothings in the most normal of faces.
Then came the day when I walk innocently past a girl's room and noticed, horrors of all horrors, that all she hung were lingerie!! 3 clothes line worth! My god.. all white lacy ones. Does any girl really wear all that much? Don't they itch?! Won't her neighbours feel weird too? Or did all of them wear the same ones and wash it together? And how can I avoid looking at her in a different way? How can I not picture her in it? Argh!!
I laid staring at the ceiling in bed and till now, I simply can't get used to it.
hmm.now i noe why u cant get to sleep at night in hall. and what goes on in that mind of yours.haha.
jing, at 1:58 PM
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