
Friday, November 10, 2006


I took the bus 518 again yesterday, although I have to admit that I did it on purpose. There is little reason for me to travel to town alone and walk around the shopping centers looking for things I do not want for all I wanted to do was to ride along the expressway and look out of the window, and shut my mind off.

When I got up the bus I realized that it was no longer empty, the girl with the chestnut brown hair that I used to see was no longer there and my seat is already taken.

Sometimes a big part of us wished that things stay stagnate. The things that are close to us shouldn't change, they don't have to leave us behind.

And as I clamoured into my seat I looked out of the window and gaze out of the rainy late afternoon, the water trails lowering slowly and spots of condensation blurred the view.

My ipod clicked onto Keane's Everybody's Changing and I closed my eyes and tried to remember how it was back then, with the empty seats and the quiet ride, and you and there I was, reliving it all on the bus.

"But everybody's changing and I don't feel the same..."


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